Preowned Equipment


Machine Code: G 201 4603

Nr.1 Continuous Dyeing Line, Manufacturer: Monforts, Model Thermex 6500 C-C, Working Width: 1800 mm, YOC:2017
- Inlet from Plaiter or A-Frame
- Dyeing Padder, Manufacturer: Kusters, Model: 222.11-1800, Yoc 2002
- Infrared Gas Heated (on a Platform)
- Hotflue, Manufacturer: Monforts, Model:Thermex 6500 C_C, Working width:1800 mm, Heating: Indirect Gas, Speed:5-100 m e min.
- 2 x C-Section: each with 46 meter content , 18 Idle roller+ 18 driven roller, teflonized
- 150 mm thickness isolation
- Each Chamber 1 circulation fan Inverter Driven, 1 Gas Burner with Exxotherm gas heating 1 exhaust fan Inverter Driven
- Steam Injection
- Regulation of Exhaust Humidity with Pleva FS 91-400
- Automatic cleaning of the Cylinders of the Hotflue with leader
- Automatization System: Monforts Qualitex 750 with Siemens S7
- Water Cooled Cylinder : 570 mm Diameter
- Outlet Combination: with surface winder till maximum 2000 mm Diameter or Axial Winder for Diameter Max: 1600 mm

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